Just when you think you’re figured out what medical needs your pet has, your veterinarian will throw a new one your way. Dental care. Yes, just like you, your dog or cat benefits from periodic dental cleanings. Even if you brush your pet’s teeth, a dental cleaning conducted by your veterinarian can keep your pet’s internal organs functioning smoothly.
Dental disease can affect more than your dog or cat’s mouth. Signs of dental disease are broken teeth, loose teeth, bad breath, painful and bleeding mouth, refusal or inability to eat and drink, and drooling. Besides the obvious cosmetic benefits of caring for your pet’s teeth, you want to prevent tooth loss or oral pain. You also want to prevent organ damage.
Wait, you didn’t know this? It’s true, not only for your dog or cat but for you, too! Bacteria in the plaque that builds up in your pet’s (or your) mouth, can enter the bloodstream and spread to the heart, kidneys, and liver. This can damage organs and make your pet quite sick.
Professional cleanings require anesthesia to allow your veterinarian to clean above and below the gumline to ensure your pet’s entire mouth is cleaned. Please talk with your veterinarian to determine the best schedule and options for your pet’s dental care routine.
MTOL is looking into applying for a grant to allow us to make this service available to people who would not be able to otherwise afford it. It will most likely be next year before we’ll know more information. Would this be something you would be interested in? Please let us know.