Wow, we’re getting things done, thanks to our incredible volunteers. We will have a few posts in the next few days highlighting recent activities, but today we have news from the Cameron Touch of Love pound. It’s getting a facelift!

New fan for the dogs’ comfort.

In the past year and a half, Sandra Ritch and her team of family and volunteers have taken a formerly dirty and unusable building into one with a nice office and storage area, with safe places for dogs.

Ready for occupancy. Nice to see them empty!

In the past few weeks, our organization has helped them get donations of beautiful dog houses and a large collection of portable cages that will be great for transporting dogs for spaying and neutering operations. We’re so grateful to the donors.

Star (cat) inspecting workStar checks out the flooring installation.

Others have been donating their time to refurbishing the building even more. A former storage area that was once filthy now has a new floor and is being used to safely store donated supplies. The transformation is hard to believe. Thanks to Sandra’s family and their helpers!

Finished room all stocked up.

Next on the list is repainting all the floors in the building. This will enable the volunteers to set up a comfortable meet-and-greet room where prospective pet adopters can get to know dogs and play. We will get photos of that soon, but we do have a picture of one of the couches.

Kitty heaven.

Of course, Star the pound kitty is already comfy. It’s great to see all the donated food.

Well organized supplies.

There is a great team of volunteers at the pound now, who are helping with the animals and with organizing supplies. Volunteer coordinator Michael Girton is getting them trained and scheduled. Volunteers young and old are welcome!

Future meet and greet sofa.

Check our volunteer page to see how you can help. We also need continued donations to keep our work going, feed animals, get animals health care, and educate our communities about humane treatment of pets.

2 Replies to “Positive Change at the Cameron Pound”

  1. Thank you Sue Ann, you are a big help in this pound transformation as well and she is the rest of the MTOL organization and everyone in every capacity.

  2. I am so excited on our pound looking an functioning as a true shelter an loving environment for our awesome fur barbies. And all our awesome visitors. Were they are always warmly welcomed from all of our amazing Volunteers . More awesome things to come. Thank you Sue Ann. Awesome report.

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