We’ve added a new donation category for people to consider. As follower of our Facebook group, Milam Touch of Love, know, the City of Cameron Pound recently got a new roof installed. The City of Cameron paid for this, and we can’t wait for the next rainstorm to experience a dry inside.

Sandra and her industrious volunteers have recently renovated a room in the pound with donated time and materials. Here’s what it looked like before:

Empty room

Here’s what came out of the floor before they took the picture shown above:

Dirt Piles Dirt Piles







Installing the flooring framework:

flooring supports


Star, of course, had to inspect and give her approval during the process:

Star (cat) inspecting work


The flooring and baseboards:









And the final product:

Competed room

The shelves were found on the side of the road, discarded. They are freshly painted. A huge thank you to Tim Ritch, Ellis Preece, and Michael Girton  for their work in restoring this room for the Pound.

To enable Sandra to do more things like this for the Pound, we’ve added a donation category for “City of Cameron Pound Upgrades.”  Volunteers are stripping the floors in two rooms now in anticipation of being able to do an epoxy paint seal for the office and our visitation room. Sandra envisions more improvements as funds allow.